one day i'll organize this...

i tried my best to date these and put them in chronological order but a lot of these are old. recent photos will have exact dates!

a penis drawn in white chalk on a sidewalk
hehehe.... photo taken june 12th. 2023.
a pepsi bottle filled with mysterious green liquid
photo taken june 9th at the van dyke car show. i wonder what that liquid is????? tasty. 2023.
a liscense plate that says 'nunya' in blue letters
photo taken june 9th at the van dyke car show. 2023.
a plastic wrapper in grass
photo taken sometime around june 4th 2023. garbage is a really interesting photo subject.
a picture of a flower
photo taken.... jun 4th, maybe? idk. its hard to keep track of time recently. 2023.
a diary of a wimpy kid book
photo taken back in march 2023. god, that month sucked. my hair looked like shit. magenta hair is NOT for me!
a fry on the floor
photo taken back in february 2023. this was the photo that started my interest in taking photos of trash. see how sad she looks?